How do you do "I do"
When I cook food too hot, I usually have baked on food on the bottom of the pot...YIKES! I have never really known of a good way to get it off without having to use a scrub pad or copper scrubby thing. Well...good life have been revolutionized. My mother got me a subscription to "Real Simple" magazine for my Birthday this year. As I was thumbing through it I found a solution to my problem.

If you have a tough baked on mess. Place a dryer sheet in the bottom cover with water and soak overnight. The next morning, the food will completely come off. All you have to do is take a basic sponge and clean with soap...

Raw foods are much better for you than cooked food. Cooking the food tends to kill valuable nutrients associated with the veggie, fruit, etc. As often as I can, I try to eat as raw. The reason I drink my "Green Drink" is for two reasons. #1 Folic acid and #2 Calcium. 

At first glance it may look sickening, but trust me, Its AMAZING. And so good for you. You will feel full and have lots of great energy to go running.

Try it and tell me what you think. I am dying to know!
Handful of spinach
2 Bananas
Glass of water

Mix bananas, spinach and water together till super smooth.
Then enjoy!

My husband came to me the other day and said, "I am going to make some Pasta". Well, as a newly wed and a woman who is completely in love with her husband, I wanted nothing more than to make it for him. Sooo, he went upstairs and I went to cooking. 

He is a simple man, who does not require much. I however, like a little more gourmet, so I whipped out some veggies, spices, and my best oils. 

And voila...Pasta a la Aurora

Couple cups of noodles
1 beet, potato, turnip
1/8 onion
2 green onion stalks
2 swiss chard leaves
1/4 pound of ground beef
1/4 link of sausage
3 cups of pasta sauce
salt, pepper, basil, EVOO

  1. Pre-heat oven 425
  2. Toss Pasta in pot with some salt, oil, water and green onion. Boil till desired texture. In pan cook ground beef with diced onion and green onion. Cook on super low setting.
  3. Chop into bite size pieces beets, potato, and turnip. Toss in bowl with oil, salt and basil. Spread on cookie sheet and place in oven for 15 min.
  4. Once ground beef cooked add sausage, pasta sauce and more green onion.
  5. Place raw chard on plate and place in oven for one min.
  6. Take plates out, add pasta, pour meat sauce over top and place roasted veggies in bowl.  

You will hear arguments on both sides of this but the facts are clear. Americans are getting fatter and diabetes has escalated since the introduction of high fructose corn syrup into our food supply. It cannot be avoided, I dare you to try. It's in everything. Just walk down the grocery isle and pickup anything. There is an 80% chance you will find HFCS in that item.
Is white sugar bad? Yes. Is HFCS worse? The evidence seems to be overwhelming. High fructose corn syrup is not the same thing at all as the natural, healthy fructose in honey and fruit. "High-fructose corn syrup" is a highly refined, artificial product. It is created through an intricate process that transforms cornstarch into a thick, clear liquid. Watch the movie "King Corn" and see this process for yourself.

White sugar and "high-fructose corn syrup" are not the same. Industry advocates for corn growers say that they are the same. But nutritional science studies say that there is a big difference between the two. They say that 
"high-fructose corn syrup" is worse than sugar. Perhaps that is why the Corn Refiners Association is now placing ads on tv to promote their product as healthy and natural. I don't know a single nutritionist that would support their claim. Even if what they say is true, that it's the same as sugar, the bottom line is 40 years ago sugar was not in everything. Who puts sugar in spaghetti sauce anyway?
At the end of last year I read and article on food sweeteners as it relates to kiddos. The article came from New York Times. 

Basically the article talks about how fructose (HFC) alter our metabolism and cause disruptions in the body's functionaing to determine whether is should store or burn fat. Its concern is toward obesity and heart disease.

Here are a few key points...
"Fructose, a sweetener derived from corn, can cause dangerous growths of fat cells around vital organs and is able to trigger the early stages of diabetes and heart disease."

"Fructose bypasses the digestive process that breaks down other forms of sugar. It arrives intact in the liver where it causes a variety of abnormal reactions, including the disruption of mechanisms that instruct the body whether to burn or store fat."

In our couples small group and we noticed how giggly married couples are about Sex. I never thought that married people would still find it uncomfortable to talk about sex, but I guess so. 

Michael and I dont giggle. Its actually one of the areas where we communicate best. Since we've been covering the topic of sex these past couple weeks, I thought it be appropriate to toss out a semi-true song about sex. - Enjoy

Please be will laugh your heart out...HILARIOUS!
This afternoon a girlfriend of mine sent me a recipe for an all-purpose cleaner. I have yet to try it, but oh boy, when I do….I have a feeling its going to be good.

The last direction mentions that it might get a little soapy. I wonder if I could just use less soap. If anyone out there tries this receipe before me, please comment below. I am dying to hear about how it works!

Here’s to good ole’ cleaning!

2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon borax
1 1/2 cups very hot distilled or purified water
1/4 cup castile soap or 1/8 cup liquid dish soap
10-15 drops essential oils

Mix the vinegar and borax in a 16oz spray bottle.
Fill bottle with the water and shake to dissolve the vinegar and borax.
Add soap LAST and then scent with essential oil.
Use as you would any all-purpose cleaner. This mix can get quite soapy so you might want to have a cloth wet with just water handy to "rinse" with

In the mail or sometimes on-line various banks offer financial deals for opening an account with them. For example, Chase will sometimes a=offer as much as $125 just to start a checking with them. All you have to do is go in with the minimum deposit ($25-$50) and sign up. Once the account is open, you can remove the moeny from the account and wait for your Reward to be deposited in the next 7 days.

Trick is, you have to keep the account open for 6 months. So make sure you keep a record of your accounts and close them after 6 months. 

My hubby is a marriage and family counselor (LPCS). His approach is unique and super effective. Basically, he simply wants people to be free from their hurt and live the way they were redeemed to be. 

If you have a simple question and want him to answer, click on the "Michael Blog" and ask away! Please note that there is a limit to the type of questions he will answer. If it gets to the point where he thinks the question is much too involved for a blog post, he will let you know.

He has got to follow those pesky boundaries to keep his LPC  :)

Hi my name is Aurora, you know, like Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. What can I say – you can pick your friends, but not your name…. Speaking of friends, welcome to all my amazing friends. I hope my blog is entertaining, enchanting, and enlightening! Welcome one and all. I will be covering my favorite topics – God, marriage, food, and other randomness. So enjoy, and come back soon