How do you do "I do"
So its not everyday that Superbowl happens 9 miles from your house. Sadly, the week leading up to superbowl was terrible. Tons of ice, negative temperature wind chills, and SNOW. We had 4 snow days. Wish I was a kid in school. That would have been the best week ever!!!! 

Even though Superbowl was so close to our house, we were not  able to attend, but certainly enjoyed all the festivities that happened around town. The day of the Superbowl, Michael and I headed over to downtown Ft.Worth to check out the ESPN football field set up as well as all the other ESPN spots in Sundance Square. After taking a gander at all the crazies walking around the area, we went to Blaine and Andrea's house to watch the superbowl /commercials with the rest of our small group. 

Below are a few pics to capture the day. And as usual, I am obsessed with taking pictures of Michael and I. Enjoy our faces :)

2/10/2011 03:17:39 am

Love the self portraits! You are so much braver than I am to venture out into the super bowl madness.

1/25/2012 02:07:38 am

Nice info bro

1/25/2012 04:52:56 am

Fine article bro

3/28/2012 03:52:11 am

Many thanks for details

3/30/2012 03:09:27 pm

is soon


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