How do you do "I do"
January was full  of fun. We visited my "Cousin-Uncle" in Lewisville. Papa Murphy's pizza was in order for that trip. After an evening of video games, chatting and doing whatever Zoe (the little one) wanted, we drive home at 11pm pooped but having padded our 'FUN TIMES' file with good memories.

Then the next weekend we went to hang out with Michael's siblings & puppies. Had a great piece of cake of Hunky Hamburgers, shopping at whole foods and hung out in their swanky apartment. 

My small group was, once upon a time, made up of all single gals. In 2009  I got married. This weekend (Feb. 11th) another gal from the group, Hannah will get married. YAY!!! Her shower was amazing! Cannot wait for the wedding!

Another girlfriend from the small group became a  foster parent, so we celebrated with gourmet cupcakes, blessings  and gifts.

To properly end the month, our couples small group came over for some Dinner and ROCK BAND! 

Excited to get February working, see lots of family and continue with those weight-loss goals!
Anna Lewis
2/9/2011 07:40:36 am

Glad you're having tons of fun! Also, Charlie has that tan striped sweater that michael has. :) Our hubbies have good taste.

1/24/2012 10:08:54 pm

THX for info

1/25/2012 10:16:21 pm

Nice one info, thx

1/27/2012 06:20:25 am

is shortly

1/27/2012 09:13:59 am

THX for info

3/10/2012 01:11:18 am

will come back before long

3/23/2012 12:32:16 am

will come back quickly

3/27/2012 08:24:24 pm

Good post bro

3/30/2012 12:17:05 am

will come back shortly

4/24/2012 02:32:50 pm

nice post

7/13/2012 04:37:55 am

will come back before long


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